Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins - 1391 Words

Imagine living in an insufficient world controlled by the capitol, never knowing which breath will be your last. You are stuck fighting for your life, fighting for your family. Suzanne Collins’ dystopian story, The Hunger Games, takes place in Panem, a country with twelve districts. The story is told through the perspective of the main character, Katniss Everdeen, who lives in District 12 with her mother and younger sister Prim. Their family is very poor. They are going through extremely tough times. They are struggling to survive. To select the two tributes for each district who will participate in the games; a boy and a girl are selected at random. During the reaping of the 74th Hunger Games, Prim is selected to represent District 12 in the games, as the female tribute. However, Katniss volunteers to go in her place, saving her life. Katniss and Peeta, the District 12 tributes, travel to begin the start of a new life, or the end of their life all together. The Hunger Games h ave begun. Katniss reveals her true colors multiple times throughout the book. She is known as a reserved, well-mannered girl, however there are more sides to her than meets the eye. In The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins uses multiple symbols to show Katniss’ multi-faceted personality. Cinna is responsible for designing dresses that will have a significance to Katniss. They are different each time. They all have an intention of leaving behind a good image to the gamemakers, capitol, and possibleShow MoreRelatedThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins3246 Words   |  13 PagesStudy Unit The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Steven Galloway’s The Cellist of Sarajevo demonstrates the way in which people are affected by war, and a brutal dictatorship. The authors illustrates the main purpose for writing their novel through the use of imagery, characterization, foreshadowing, flashback, similes, and symbolism. Suzanne Collins and Steven Galloway use imagery and characterization to vividly describe the effects and outcomes of war and dictatorship. Suzanne Collins portrays,Read MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins1352 Words   |  6 PagesThe movie or the book the Hunger Games came out with a bang when it first hit theaters or the shelves of the bookstores. It was dubbed as one of the best films or books to read, interestingly enough it was a remake of the stories or myths most people heard when they were younger, but modernized and turned into a collage of all the best roman and Greek stories. Suzanne Collins brilliantly combined the Greek and Roman influences to make the movie/book unforgettable. By using stories from the romansRead MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collin899 Words   |  4 Pages Suzanne Collin’s â€Å"Hunger Games† seems to be about a dystopian society struggle to become a utopia. However, when the readers read further in to the book or watches the movie one can see that is about all the characters that make use human. As human, we feel the need to build an ethical framework based on our needs for authority rather than tradition. The Capitol in the Hunger Games exploits human needs to keep authority in place. After rising seas and poverty consumed much of the land, the CapitolRead MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins1419 Words   |  6 Pagesemotional atmosphere within a dystopian state, there exists an absence of feeling which competes for dominance. Suzanne Collins’ demonstrates this competing apathetic mood in her novel, The Hunger Games, through the citizens of the divided dystopia of Panem. This essay will analyze the origins and influence of apathy on a people and an individual, in both a political and personal sense. Collins’ main argument, that citizens’ facing governmental oppression can either become compliant with apathy, or, insteadRead MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins854 Words   |  4 PagesIn a place where poverty is prevalent and a country is ruled b y a tyrannical dictator is it possible for an individual to trust others when their own life is always at stake? In the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, the main character Katniss Everdeen is a survivor. In the novel she is put into an arena to compete against twenty-three other tributes to the death. This is not the only time during which she has to fend for herself; at home she had to care for her family and keep them aliveRead MoreThe Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins710 Words   |  3 Pages‘’The hunger games’’ is a novel written by Suzanne Collins, published in 2008. The genre of the book is thriller/survival, and is written over 27 chapters with 454 pages. In this analysis, I will tell you about how the main character Katniss changes through the novel, and tell you a little about the central characters that plays an important role for her. ‘’The Hunger Games’’, is set in the future in the country Panem, and is about the sixteen-year-old girl, Katniss Everdeen. Panem is divided intoRead MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins986 Words   |  4 PagesThe Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is about a sixteen year old girl named Katniss and how she needs to fight for her life. The Hunger Games takes place in an arena in the Capitol of Panem. There are 24 tributes, two from each District. The games were created to punish the Twelve Districts for trying to create an uprising against the Capitol. Suzanne Collins book could be compared to the United States and how people obsess with the way they look, discrimination is still occurring, and how the governmentRead MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins3514 Words   |  15 PagesThe Hunger Games is a science fiction, dystopian post-apocalyptic series that takes place in a futuristic North American nation called Panem. The film series is based on the nov el series of the same title written by Suzanne Collins. Many who watch the films view them as an action-packed adventure series, but The Hunger Games, like many other dystopian films, feature social and political subjects that relate back to past and present culture. Dystopian films like the Hunger Games provide messages,Read MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins1487 Words   |  6 PagesMy first text is The Hunger Games which is written by Suzanne Collins and it was written in September 14 2008; was set in the future, around the year 2087. My second text which is 1984, which is written by George Orwell and was written on Wednesday June 8 1949 and it was set in 1948. There are many themes in the book hunger games such as ‘the inequality between rich and poor’, ‘suffering as environment’ and ‘the importance of appearances’. In 1984 there is also many themes portrayed such as ‘theRead MoreThe Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins2436 Words   |  10 PagesThe Hunger Games is a science fiction and adventure film, based on the novel written by Suzanne Collins, which explores concepts of Marxism and numerous aspects of its principles through the dystopian world of Panem. The Hunger Games follows Marxist theories on bourgeoisie and proletariat class structure as well as capitalist production and the distribution of good. Thelma and Louise, a 1991 film directed by Ridley Scott, is often referred to by critics as â€Å"the ultimate feminist film†. This film

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Symbols in the Fairy Tales and Folk Tales - 643 Words

Certain psychologist have hypothesized that fairytales represent the most primitive way the mind operates, and within certain folktales, the true message is possible hidden beneath symbols. One folktale in particular, Little Red Riding Hood, is full of symbols with possible deeper meanings. For example some people have speculated that the red hood that Little Red Riding Hood wears is a symbol of the girls sexuality and the â€Å"little† in her nickname places an emphasis on her budding nature. That is to say the young girl is in the beginning stages of becoming a woman and doesn’t possess much knowledge on the subject of sex. Keeping with this same theme, it can further be hypothesized that the wolf represents the foreign idea of sex, which the young girl finds both unsettling and alluring. By telling the wolf the directions to her grandmother’s house, Little Red Riding Hood is evading having to confront the uncomfortable feeling created by the wolf’s pres ence. Instead of dealing with him, Little Red Riding Hood redirects him to her grandmother who is already a woman and is therefore more mature and capable of dealing with the wolf and what he represents (Bettelheim 1). Additionally, the winding path with the flowers that Little Red Riding Hood picks represents temptation and the contrasting direct path to Grandmother’s house represents virtue. Finally, the act of the wolf eating the little girl is a symbol for the loss of her innocence due to the fact that the only reason theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book Fairy Tale 810 Words   |  4 Pagesare in choir, they would wear fully red robes. In usual time, the black robes they wear usually use red sash and trim to decorate as a symbol of the willingness to sacrifice for faith. (Dilloway, 2006) 2.2 The definition of fairy tale and nonsense literature Fairy tale is a kind of short story that transfers from folkloric and fantasy characters. Fairy tales are based on the thoughts of ancient society. They take places in a magical world and the time and space are differing from reality. (ZipesRead MoreThe Deeper Meanings that Lies in Fairy Tales1121 Words   |  5 Pagesin common fairy tales used to start an adventure. These adventures have been around for years. The importance of some tales might be more significant than others, also based on culture. My goal for this paper is to educate my readers with the importance of fairy tales, especially for younger children. Fairy tales have been around for centuries from generations to generations. Different cultures, such as the Japanese and Western, have also expressed them differently. All these fairly tales teach childrenRead More The Structure and Underlining Meanings of Rapunzel by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm1406 Words   |  6 PagesGrimm, has the same basic structure as all other fair y tales born from the oral tradition; what is commonly referred to as the opening, main part and ending, is the foundation of the tale. It is around this clearly defined three-part structure of the plot, that invisible layers of meaning exist – often very different for each reader. Between the clever design of the plot – which allows several stories to surface within a seeming individual tale – and multiple layers underneath the literal actionRead MoreLittle Red Cap : Negative Consequences Of The Grimm s Ideas1648 Words   |  7 Pagesand deeper into the forest† (94). She â€Å"plunges† immediately into the forest, showing how easily she is distracted from her goal and how quickly she becomes infatuated with something beautiful. Once off the path Little Red Cap picks flowers, another symbol of feminine beauty and how easily women are distracted by their own beauty and vanity. However, Little Red Cap does not stop at just one flower. She exhibits greed and looks for more and more flowers, going deeper and deeper into the forest, deeperRead MoreEssay about MacDonalds The Princess an d the Goblin1242 Words   |  5 Pagesreally knows whether the grandmother even exists, and it is this uncertainty that causes the reader to question whether she is a personification of a force within Irene that is driving her to achieve all that she does. There are many elements of fairy tales that exist within the grandmothers world and Irenes relationship with her grandmother and her nurse, Lootie. Archetypes such as the attic, birds, the moon, and fire exist within her grandmothers world and archetypes such as the underground existRead MoreHansel and Gretel Analysis Essay873 Words   |  4 PagesFairy tales were once for everyone and reflected the values of the people that kept the legend alive. It wasn’t until recent times that the myths were rendered into a children’s entertainment monopoly. Therefore, if we melt the sugared coverings of Disney and wade waist deep into the wilder, more sinister side of human dreams, we are transported back to a time where the s upernatural reigned and superstitions thrived. These stories were most often whispered in the dark, passed down orally from world-wearyRead MoreThe Story Of Childhood Literary Analysis724 Words   |  3 Pagesdifferent academics have employed contrasting techniques to interpret folk tales and to investigate the social and psychological conditions in which folklore developed and changed from one form to another. With a particularly strong focus on those tales of French origin, historian Robert Darnton examines a number of fairy tales related to Paul Delarue’s â€Å"The Story of Grandmother† from a historical perspective in his essay â€Å"Peasants Tell Tales: The Meaning of Mother Goose†. In contrast, Catherine OrensteinRead MoreA Portrait Of A Rebellious, Independent Mulan1744 Words   |  7 PagesTo construct a portrait of a rebellious, independent Mulan, two characteristics that are preferred by Western audiences, Disney chooses to keep only a few of the fun ctions from the source tale. In order to set the stage for her climatic moment of redemption, Mulan must have a villain to struggle against. She is not just in a war, but is locked in a battle with the leader of the opposing army, Shan-Yu, almost singlehandedly saving the emperor. She defeats not only Shan-Yu but the gender restrictionsRead MoreMyths And The Reason Behind Mythology1653 Words   |  7 PagesWHAT ARE MYTHS AND THE REASON BEHIND MYTHOLOGY? Mythos, the Greek word for myth means story, appertain to colorful tales that enlightens about the origins of humans and the universe. Myths, as amazing as it sounds, is also a cause for birth of new religions, where and how they originated. Many cultures have myths about how the gods and goddesses came to be, even elucidating the origin of humanity and its traditions. Even ideas about how this world of ours came to existence have many myths, creationRead MoreEssay Significance of the Number 3 in Fairy Tales2501 Words   |  11 Pages Significance of the Number 3 in Fairy Tales Numbers do not exist. They are creations of the mind, existing only in the realm of understanding. No one has ever touched a number, nor would it be possible to do so. You may sketch a symbol on a paper that represents a number, but that symbol is not the number itself. A number is just understood. Nevertheless, numbers hold symbolic meaning. Have you ever asked yourself serious questions about the significance, implications, and roles of numbers

Monday, December 9, 2019

Comparison Between the Charmer and Brother Dear free essay sample

The Major program involves specialization in one field in your last two years. It may allow you to proceed to a Masters degree depending on your grades. The Honours program requires specialization in one field in the last two to three years and is available for students of above-average include completion of: * at least 40 courses (full-time students take about 10 * Communication, Science, Arts, Breadth and Upper-level courses per year); requirements; * first- and second-year prerequisites for the intended Major or Honours program; * third- and fourth-year courses for the Major or Honours (10 courses for the Major; about 14 for the Honours); and * normally at least 20 courses at IJBC, including the final 10 courses. ADVISING TIPS You may be interested in LBCs Science Co-operative Education (Co-op) program. Co-op combines semesters of classroom learning with semesters of paid work experience. For more details refer to the IJBC Co-op site Make sure you know about the three first-year program options for Science students. We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison Between the Charmer and Brother Dear or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These programs are the Standard Science Program, Coordinated Science and Science One. For details check here. The key to your degree planning is making use of the many advising resources that IJBC offers. A great place to start is the IJBC Science site. Here you can get help with planning your degree, career, finances, and more. When talking toa IJBC advisor, make sure you have a year-by-year plan in place to meet your degree requirements. Although IJBC offers many resources to help you plan your degree, dont forget the final responsibility for meeting all faculty and program requirements rests with you.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Microeconomics and Global Warming Essay Example

Microeconomics and Global Warming Paper The fact that there has en such a detrimental effect on the planet from the extensive use Of carbon dioxide emitting fossil fuels and ozone depleting chemicals shows that the private market is not capable of producing an economically efficient outcome. Externalities evolve when activities affect a third party who is not involved in this activity(Swan Impeacher 2006) and in this case its blatantly obvious that the rising world temperatures and its associated problems is an extremely large externalities. This market failure comes about from the lack of private property rights, which are the exclusive right of an when to use, rent or sell property(Swan Impeacher 2006). In this case there is no single entity that has ownership of the air or atmosphere and due to this no one can demand restitution for damaging it. Just as it was economic theory that explains the problem of climate change it also provides the solution. The government must take action in the private market and through implementing policies, internalize these externalities. This means putting a dollar value on the externalities and having this reflected in its price. With the three main policies being subsidies, a carbon price through taxation ND a carbon price through a cap-and-trade system, they all do this but reach their target with vastly different levels of efficiency and effectiveness. Us besides A subsidy is an economic incentive offered by the government to individuals or firms to consume or produce more of a good or service (Swan Impeacher 2006). Its purpose is to increase the quantity of a good that produces a positive externalities. We will write a custom essay sample on Microeconomics and Global Warming specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Microeconomics and Global Warming specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Microeconomics and Global Warming specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer As shown in figure 1. 1 when only the private benefits are considered (POP, CO) there is a dead weight loss present which is a loss of consumer or producer surplus which isnt passed onto another economic party(Swan ; Impeacher 2006). If the government however is to intervene in this market and pay the extra money to consumers that the positive price Quantity Us ply ODL private benefit Figure 1. 1 us basis Sub IQ DO social benefit Dead weight loss externalities is worth, (Pl- Sub) then ODL shifts out to DO as consumers now pay less (Sub). The economy now operates at an efficient level of (IQ, P 1) where no dead weight loss is present. This same effect can be achieved if the subsidy were to be paid to the producer. By giving the subsidy to the reducer their production costs decrease and the supply curve shifts(SO SO) and consumers still pay Sub. A major difficulty in issuing subsidies however is to correctly measure the initial positive externalities. By introducing a subsidy that is not equal to the externalities will result in a dead weight loss still being present. Subsidies also cause a problem where governments pick winners in the market, such that they are deciding who is to receive the extra money(Swan ; Impeacher 2006). Although they are acknowledging the positive externalities, by only subsiding specific groups doesnt allow market ores to decide and as a result drastically reduces their efficiency. There are also many examples of subsidies being wasteful with a perfect example being the American attempt at subsiding its farmers in corn ethanol that has just raised world food prices and added to the wallets of American farmers(Swan Impeacher 2006). The attempt to keep many American farmers with a job in producing corn for bio-fuels has only sustained an inefficient market that has bought about many negative side effects. Even though there can be negatives through the implementation of subsidies they play a pivotal role in rumoring research and development. In this case development into such technologies as carbon capture offer too high a risk for individual firms to undertake without government funding(Economist 2009)but offer huge positive externalities if they are successful. For this situation it is imperative that RD is undertaken so that new technologies can be discovered and subsidies are highly effective at allowing this. Carbon Tax Price Quantity SSL -?private cost Demand SO=social cost tax DWELL A tax is a financial charge imposed on someone by a government(Swan amp; Impeacher 2006) and is similar to a subsidy in the fact that a dead weight loss is removed from society. With taxes however, they eliminate negative externalities by increasing the private cost curve to the social cost curve where the vertical distance between them is equal to the externalities(see figure 1. ). Initially the good is being overproduced and underpinned (CO, POP) but after the tax is implemented the supply decreases and an efficient equilibrium is reached (IQ, p 1). The government now receives revenues equal to the rectangles A+8 where rectangle A is contributed by the consumer and B by the producer. In this case a tax will be a carbon price that the government stipulates and according to Dimmitt Singles, A $40 carbon price now, doubling by 2050 Is needed to reach the pump target'(Economist 2009). With current levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at pump compared with dipped before the industrial revolution(Economist 2009), this tax will rapidly and effectively cause a change towards cleaner energy. A tax can also be considered efficient in the fact that unlike subsidies where the government picks the winning industry, once a tax is set it applies universally. To overcome this individuals will find their own most efficient way of adapting to the higher prices Of dirty energy and moving to cleaner alternatives. Cap-and-trade price ODL Figure 1. By setting a carbon price, a cap-and-trade system works in a similar effect to a tax. The cap-and -?trade system works by finding the amount Of carbon emissions that corresponds to the socially efficient solution and then fixing it at that level. This amount (CO) is then portioned into small packages and sold on the private market. Through market forces an equilibrium price will be found (POP). Over time as demand increases (ODL DO ), the supply stays fixed and as a result the price of the permits increases (POP p 1 However setting the right cap on the number of permits in practices is extremely difficult. When the European Union started its Emissions Trading Scheme in 2005 it sent out parcels to 11500 factories in 5 dirty industries. Initially however many of the member states overestimated their emissions so that they would be given more permits which as a result decreased the carbon price. When the more permits were to be released in 2008 countries battled to get more than their gibbous until eventually some sued the commission that issued the permits. After winning the case this caused the price to drop even further(Economist 2009). Although its effectiveness here is limited, the cap and-trade system does operate highly efficiently. Even when the government doesnt issue the socially optimal number of permits initially, the cost of decreasing pollution, given the number of permits, will be minimized. This occurs due to the trade of the permits between companies depending on their level Of efficiencies at producing clean energy. The highly efficient firms hat dont require their permits can sell theirs to the less efficient which will push up their costs until eventually the inefficient are driven out of the market. With the threat of climate change now reaching drastic levels it becomes not so much a question of should governments act but with what policies can they rectify this predicament. If implemented correctly the costs could be as little as 1% of global GAP but if this cant be done then the costs will rapidly increase(Economist 2009). Subsides, although when executed poorly are highly inefficient, will play a fundamental role in funding ark that will provide the essential technologies to use clean, efficient energy. For this part of the solution to climate change, subsidies provide an effective and efficient answer. A carbon price is also required if the negative externalities caused by using carbon intensive fuels for energy are to be accounted for. The most important thing about the carbon price however is the level it is set at so that it sends out an unmistakable signal to the market(Economist 2009). Both the tax system and cap-and-trade system are based around putting an economic value on carbon however the result they give varies.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Best Way to Write a Creative Brief (Includes Templates)

The Best Way to Write a Creative Brief (Includes Templates) Marketing projects can sometimes be a challenge to get off the ground. Everyone has a different vision for what the campaign should be, what the creative will look like and what the objectives are. Not doing your prep work on the front-end can mean you might go too far down the wrong path, which means†¦ Wasted time†¦ Lost money†¦ And disgruntled clients. So what’s a marketer to do? Create a clear creative brief before the work begins, of course. If this leaves you scratching your head, have no fear. You’ll find everything you need in this post, including how to create an effective creative brief, nine examples to model after, and free templates to get your project off the ground. Three Creative Brief Templates + Your Projects = Success Start off by downloading our free creative brief templates. This kit includes three different templates you can use to write effective creative briefs the easy way (in Word, Excel, and Powerpoint format). Grab ’em free below. Then, keep reading to learn how to use them effectively.Why You Need a Creative Brief A creative brief helps clarify expectations between your team and the project’s stakeholders. Not having one increases the likelihood of missed deadlines and means a heck of a lot more time wasted on making sure everyone is on the right track. The creative brief serves as the documentation for the project’s objectives and how you’re going to achieve success- the â€Å"what† and â€Å"how†, essentially. Marketing teams need to focus carefully on ROI to prove our worth. Creativity is often overlooked in this equation. As evidenced by the thrown together creative briefs copied and pasted from old campaigns. Doesn’t it seem odd that you’re willing to spending a bunch of money on a project, but not spend more than 5 minutes making sure your project is set up for success? Reason 1: Define the Scope and Help Avoid Scope-creep The creative brief says a lot about what the project is, but it also provides insight into what the project isn’t. For example, let’s say your creative brief outlines a project to redesign your website’s blog.   The scope of this project is clear- you’re not setting out to re-design any other area of the site. This avoids what we call scope-creep. Scope-creep can be compared to the â€Å"might as-wells†. â€Å"If we’re redesigning the blog, we ‘might as-well’ redesign the about us pages, too.† This can be especially difficult if your project is on behalf of a client. You, as the Project Manager, need to make hard decisions about whether you need to adjust the cost and risk the client getting upset, or eat the cost and hurt your profitability. Your creative brief can help you avoid this conundrum. Collaborating with your client or team at the beginning helps prevent misunderstandings about deliverables and gives you a document to reference if scope-creep arises. Reason 2: Clarify the Project’s Timeline Most projects have a definitive delivery date, so it’s a good idea to include a timeline in your creative brief. Marketing teams juggle multiple projects at once, which means it can be a challenge for individuals to manage everything on their plate. It’s important for Marketing Managers to value their team member’s opinions regarding realistic timelines and workloads. Gain input while formulating the creative brief or use something like ’s Team Management Dashboard to make sure timelines are realistic. Use ’s Team Management Dashboard to Set Realistic Timelines There’s nothing more frustrating as a Marketing Manager than (unsuccessfully) trying to stay on top of what everyone on your team is working on. Our Team Management Dashboard replaces lengthy meetings and email chains required to chase down updates. Use the dashboard when outlining your creative brief to visualize realistic timelines based on everyone’s *actual* workload. Need to re-prioritize? No Sweat. Simply reshuffle workloads with the drag and drop functionality. Everyone will be able to see their updated tasks in real-time. Sayonara, spreadsheets. What Can the Team Management Dashboard Do For Your Team? What to see how the Team Management Dashboard can get your team organized and never miss a deadline? Schedule a demo with our team to find out more. Reason 3: Mitigate Confusion and Answer Questions Have you ever been pulled into a project and felt confused about the who, what, where, when, and why? Or maybe those questions have lingered in your mind throughout the duration of the project? (Let’s be honest, we’ve all been a part of a marketing project that has felt a little half-baked.) The process of writing the creative brief itself helps you work through strategic questions that may otherwise go unanswered. Likewise, everyone involved in the project will have a clear idea of what’s going on and can understand the project’s reason for existence. Which makes your job as the de facto Project Manager a lot easier. Questions about timeline? Check out the creative brief. Questions about target audience? Creative brief. Questions about process? You guessed it... creative brief. BOOM. You’ve just saved some time by not having to re-answer the same questions over and over again. Elements of a Great Creative Brief Creative briefs can vary slightly in what they actually contain. Some opt for more information; others are more condensed. Here’s a running list of items you may consider including in your brief. Project Summary Describe the project in one or two sentences. Boil it down to the basics. This gives everyone who might come into the project (at any point in time) a high-level understanding of what the project is. It also makes it easier to iterate on the project down the road. â€Å"E-commerce research project intended to attract small business owners wanting to launch their own e-shop.† Target audience Outline who you’re trying to reach with the campaign. This can be simply a certain user persona or it can be a demographic outline. This is important as it gives the project member an idea of who they’re talking to/ designing for. â€Å"Small business owners and ‘makers’ that are currently selling on Etsy, farmer’s markets, etc.† Problem What problem is the project trying to solve? Why do you need to do *this* project? This narrows down why the project exists and why the company needs to do this particular project. â€Å"{Insert company name} is finding it difficult to convince designers, makers, small business owners etc. of the benefits of creating their own webshops rather than selling via Etsy. This report will provide {the company} with original data to use throughout the year and will highlight the benefits of setting up an e-commerce site.† Goal   Why are we doing this project? Make sure your goals are measurable and avoid setting too many. Stick to your one metric that matters. â€Å"The primary goal is to increase interest in using {company platform} as the go-to e-commerce platform. This will help position {company name}   as the best solution for setting up an e-commerce website. We will create a comprehensive research report that aims to convert 5,000 new paid users by the end of 2019.† KPI How will success be measured? This sets the stage for how you will know if your project was successful or not. It also helps you understand if the project should be repeated. â€Å"This report will be measured based on the number of new accounts generated from gated downloads.† Process What are the general steps we must follow to finish the project? This is a good outline that can become a task template once the project kicks off. It also is a good way for each team member to visualize where they fit into the project. Write survey questions Distribute survey Analyze data Write content for the report Design PDF Prepare promotion strategy Measure Individuals/Teams Involved Who do you need to get this project done? This serves as a reminder to everyone that they need to be involved in order for the project to get off the ground. â€Å"PR, Graphic Design, Social Media, Analytics, Content Marketing, Email Marketing† Timeline What is the due date for this project? Every project needs to have a start and end date†¦ they can’t drag on in perpetuity. This makes it easier for people to plan their workloads and get things finished on time. â€Å"End of Q2 2019† Budget How much can you spend on this project? This can either be a client’s budget or internal resources that are dedicated. You can also think of this in terms of hours devoted to this project. $25,000 How to Write a Great Creative Brief Aside from including the right information, there are a couple things you should also think about when compiling a creative brief. Be Specific You want your creative brief to clear enough that anyone can understand the project. A vague creative brief will often produce results that fall far short of expectations. When a creative brief misses the necessary specifics, significant revisions often arise which makes for a frustrating process for all involved. Set S.M.A.R.T Goals Setting S.M.A.R.T goals help put your project on the fast track to success. An example of a S.M.A.R.T goal might be: â€Å"We will create a comprehensive research report that aims to convert 5,000 new paid users by the end of 2019.† The goal is specific by identifying that you want to help drive new paid users. It’s measurable because your team will be able to tell if you hit your 5,000 increase paid users or not. It’s attainable based on previous benchmarking for similar campaigns. The task is relevant because it’s contributing to the company’s bottom line. Finally, the task has a time limit to see if the project was successful or not. The Operative Word is Brief The creative brief is exactly what it says†¦ brief. It doesn’t need everything and the kitchen sink. Offer an abridged summary that can be easily digested. It shouldn’t be TL;DR. You don’t need to link to a dozen planning spreadsheets, email chains, and related documents.   Chances are those supporting documents won’t even be looked at, so don’t waste your time.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Full Expert Review The Official SAT Study Guide

Full Expert Review The Official SAT Study Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The Official SAT Study Guide is the most important book to have in your prep program. Nearly every student who's serious about SAT prep has this in his or her library. Even despite its obvious strengths, the book has its major drawbacks, and it will not be enough for most students. Read this detailed review to find out what the cons of this book are, and how you should integrate it as part of your prep. Note: This review is for the Official Study Guide to the Old, pre-March-2016 SAT. Read our review of the Official Study Guide to the New SAT here! Why trust this review? When you get advice on the internet, it's important to understand why you should believe the advice you're receiving. Because your SAT score is important, follow the wrong advice, and it might be too late to improve your score. To be transparent, here’s why you might be able to trust this review more than others: I like to think that I know what I’m talking about.I scoredtwo perfect scores on the SATand have worked personally with thousands of students prepping for the SAT. I’ve worked with students at all levels, from people at a 1200 level to people aiming for a 2300+. Other writers often don't have the expertise to differentiate between books, and they recommend books as an afterthought (and you can probably tell). I don’t get paid for these recommendations, and I don’t get paid if you buy these books.I’ve studied dozens of books for SAT prep, and I review the books that I come across. Other sites, especially and, get paid for featuring books and get a kickback when you buy a book they recommend. One disclaimer: I’m co-founder ofPrepScholar, an online SAT/ACT prep program. I believe we’ve built the best prep program available right now. Itdiagnoses your strengths and weaknessesand gives you a structured all-in-one program, combining the best aspects of the books below, so you know exactly what you need to study at every point. But I want to stress that you don’t need a program to excel at the SAT. In fact, writing this guide may lose us some customers, since you might decide that you don’t need a program at all. But if you decide that you don’t want to manage 10 books and want an integrated complete program that customizes to your learning,check PrepScholar SAT out. Official SAT Study Guide Review When I consider the quality of a book, I think about a few important questions: Who's the author, and what is his or her experience with the subject matter? How effective is the book, and why? What are the book's main pros and cons? We'll consider each question below. About the Author: The College Board It doesn't get much better than this. The book is the official book published by the creators and administrators of the SAT, the College Board. They've put in 10 full-length practice tests, and because they're official questions from previous administrations of the SAT, they're the best set of questions available anywhere. How effective is this book? We’ve written at length about theimportance of official SAT practice questions. The SAT test is weird and tests concepts in ways that you’ve never seen in school before. This means that you need to train with realistic questions so you learn the patterns of the SAT. Official SAT tests released by the College Board are the gold standard for SAT practice questions. This book contains 10 such tests. Each test released by the College Board contains real questions given to real students at previous administrations of the SAT. The quality of official questions is far better than questions written by unofficial sources like Kaplan and Barron's. With that said, this book will not be a complete prep program for most students. It doesn't go into detail on test strategy and tricks - after all, the College Board has maintained since the beginning of the SAT that the SAT is not able to be prepped for (which we know is factually false). It also doesn't provide focused practice on specific strengths and weaknesses, which we believe is critical to an effective prep program. Its answer explanations are also quite poor, as they don't teach you how to solve the problem - they just tell you why the correct answer is correct, and why the incorrect answers are incorrect.The book also doesn't tell you how to use it - it's important that you reflect on your mistakes, for example, and space out your prep. In the end, this book is great for what it is - 10 practice tests - but not for more than that. The Official SAT Guide's Pros and Cons Pros: The best set of practice tests you can get anywhere, period. 10 full-length tests should cover all but the most ambitious students. Since each one takes at least 4 hours to complete and review, this is already 40 hours of material. Answers for each question are available online. Cons: Answer explanations are not helpful for self-learning for most students. Most of the explanations read like this: â€Å"A is wrong because A is wrong. B is correct for these reasons† rather than showing you how to solve the question from step 1. You need to understand yourself well to learn from your mistakes. Answers are available only online and through a clunky web interface that’s annoying to use. Book doesn’t provide other instructional material. If you’re bad at algebra, you can’t rely on this book alone. People are buying it purely for the tests, and the College Board knows this. Taking practice tests without a system for learning isn’t going to improve your score, and the book doesn’t provide guidance on how to do this. Overall Rating This book is a critical piece of any student's prep program. There simply is no better source of official prep questions. It's so important that we've integrated it as a central part of our online SAT prep program. To use this book effectively, you'll definitely need advice on how best to use it, and balance it with other materials. You can also getall free official practice tests here, but they don’t have answer explanations. Overall Rating: 90/100 What's next? Read our detailed guide to theBest SAT Prep Booksto put together your own study program based on the best SAT books available now. What's a good SAT score for you?Figure it out with our step by step guide based on the colleges you're applying to. Aiming for a high score? Read ourguide to scoring a perfect SAT score, written by me, a perfect SAT scorer. Check out our industry-leading online SAT program. We've designed it to cover all the advantages of books and tutors at an affordable price. Featuring in-depth strategy lessons and thousands of practice questions, we have the content from the leading books. We include the critical Official SAT Study Guide. Beyond that, the programacts like your personal tutor. It guides you step-by-step through what you should be working on at every moment to best improve your score. Itcustomizes to your strengths and weaknesses, then gives you focused practice so you learn the patterns on the SAT. Furthermore, it motivates you to study so that you put in enough time. There's a 160 point guarantee - if you don'timprove your score by 160 points, you get all your money back. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Allen Cheng About the Author As co-founder and head of product design at PrepScholar, Allen has guided thousands of students to success in SAT/ACT prep and college admissions. He's committed to providing the highest quality resources to help you succeed. Allen graduated from Harvard University summa cum laude and earned two perfect scores on the SAT (1600 in 2004, and 2400 in 2014) and a perfect score on the ACT. You can also find Allen on his personal website, Shortform, or the Shortform blog. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Anything Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 8

Anything - Essay Example In order for one to get good housing the amount of money he is paid becomes a factor. This essay will examine the trends in house inequalities and the financial position of an individual in details. The constant gap in house ownership rates between whites and black has continued to increase though barriers in homeownership for the minority groups were lifted long time ago. The current housing policy now targets minority homeownership with the specific intention of closing the gap in house ownership among different groups. The informal development of urban land which was traditionally perceived as an important way through which the poorest residents of the urban centers got shelter. This has changed since increasingly middle, and high-income households are buying land informally for housing. It is clear that those workers who are able to learn new working skills especially in technology will benefit from higher salaries. But on the other hand those who are used to carrying out routine jobs which can be handled by computers and robots will be competing with few jobs or will be pushed into low-skill jobs and hence it will be difficult for them to afford buying better houses (Tally 22). Opportunities for middle-income households to purchase a house on the formal market are limited. Those who come from the families with low income struggle to construct low-cost housing though this is hindered by fluctuations in the price and availability of raw materials which increases construction time and expenses and can stretch the budgets of the developer beyond the monetary capability of the scheme. High monthly costs in both the rental and ownership markets compared to low land prices has encouraged middle-income households to seek shelter through informal channels. Growing demand for informal land has thus placed pressure on supply, resulting in rising land prices, effectively reducing accessibility by

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Telecom Eireann Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Telecom Eireann - Essay Example Involvement of labour union in all aspects of the process exemplifies that decision making was consultative. Participation of diverse and competing stakeholders with dissimilar needs must have been challenging to the management team. Therefore, it is correct to state that relationship between users and developers must have been complex, and it only delayed the implementation stage of the project. Complexity of information delivery and decision making was the chief catalyst in developing and implementing the project. Change capability is usually necessary for any organization that has perpetual life. For efficient implementation of the new system, all stakeholders needed to respond in one consistent voice. Management team ought to have carried out organizational analysis and planning research under the proposed system, and strived to understand to the range of human emotions during proposal period, such that they would have been in a better position to respond to resistance during implementation stage. Executives support should have been executed from the planning stages of the system, and success and failure of the proposed system carried out in advance. Earlier assessment would have provided the leadership team with guidance before they embarked upon their desired new

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Barriers to entry into foreign markets Essay Example for Free

Barriers to entry into foreign markets Essay It is completed near the end of your first year of entry into the country market. One must identify and prepare for Trade Events. Trade shows, international buyer programs, matchmaker trade delegations programs or a catalog exhibition program can lead to tremendous international opportunities . Methods of foreign market entry Methods of foreign market entry include exporting, licensing, joint venture and off-shore production. The method you choose will depend on a variety of factors including the nature of your particular product or service and the conditions for market penetration which exist in the foreign target market . Exporting can be accomplished by selling your product or service directly to a foreign firm, or indirectly, through the use of an export intermediary, such as a commissioned agent, an export management or trading company. International joint ventures can be a very effective means of market entry. Joint ventures overseas are often accomplished by licensing or off-shore production. Licensing involves a contractual agreement whereby you assign the rights to distribute or manufacture your product or service to a foreign company. Off-shore production requires either setting up your own facility or sub-contracting the manufacturing of your product to an assembly operator. Barriers to entry into foreign markets The main trade barriers to any foreign market include: Psychological barriers in foreign exchange markets Traders adjust their anchors in two ways. Some believe that exchange rates move toward (perceived) fundamentals, while others bet on a continuation of the current exchange rate trend. The behavior of the traders causes complex dynamics. Since the exchange rate tends to circle around its perceived fundamental value, the foreign exchange market is persistently misaligned. Central authorities have the opportunity to reduce such distortions by pushing the exchange rate to less biased anchors, but to achieve this; they have to break psychological barriers between anchors. High import tariffs inclusive of restrictions related to national security Tariffs are taxes that raise the price of a good when it is brought into another country. Tariffs and import quotas form the toughest barriers. Seventy percent of respondents say tariffs on goods and services are the most effective form of protectionism, followed closely by import quotas (68%). But this is by no means the whole story: 45% say that artificially undervalued exchange rates do much to boost the competitiveness of local firms, while 59% cite subsidized competitors as a major barrier. Many also noted the challenges of informal protectionism, such as local firms convincing government officials to block the approval of licenses. Quota systems in Japan: The tariff quota system charges a lower duty rate (primary duty rate) on imports of specific goods up to a certain quantity, but a higher duty rate (secondary duty rate) on quantities exceeding that volume. This system protects domestic producers of similar goods but also benefits consumers with the lowest tariff rates possible. The tariff quota volume for each allocation can be applied in one of two ways: according to the order in which the request was received, or according to prior allocations. Japan utilizes the prior allocation method. The tariff quota system does not restrict direct imports, since imports can be made without a tariff quota certificate, provided high duty is paid. Regarding footwear, quota allocations to individuals or companies are based on historical trade performance in the importation of footwear. Japan has allocated quota not to quota traders but to footwear importers, so business can take place as per footwear importers requirements. At the same time, new importers can acquire special quota for new importers. The Government of Japan implements this system in accordance with governmental regulation. Therefore, Japan believes that new importers have opportunities to obtain quotas under the current quota allocation system. Unfavorable foreign rules regulations Voluntary export restraints limit the quantity of a good brought into a country, but they are initiated by the country producing the good, not the country receiving the good. Federal, state, and local governments sometimes restrict entry into markets by requiring firms to have licenses. The Federal Communications Commission, for example, grants licenses to radio and television stations; there simply arent enough frequencies for an unlimited number of firms to broadcast in any area. For safety reasons, all nuclear power plants are licensed as well. Governments also bar entry by giving firms exclusive rights to a market. The U. S. Postal Service, for example, has an exclusive right to deliver first class mail. Firms are sometimes given exclusive rights to do things like operate gas stations along toll roads, produce electricity, or collect garbage in a city. Exclusive rights are granted if a government believes that there is room for only one firm in a market. Until the 1980s, the federal government also restricted entry into the airline, trucking, banking, and telecommunications industries. Many of the laws that restricted entry into these industries were put into place in the 1930s, when many people believed that large firms needed to be protected from cutthroat competitors. Many economists now believe that these laws did more harm than good. In 1938, for example, the Civil Aeronautics Board, or CAB, was established to regulate the airline industry for interstate flights. For the forty years that it existed, it didnt allow a single new firm to enter the market, although it received over 150 applications for routes. In 1978, despite protests from the airlines, President Carter ordered the deregulation of the industry and the phasing out of the CAB. Within five years, 14 new firms entered the industry. Many experts believe that airline fares after deregulation were well below what they would have been had regulation continued. For instance, take China as an example. China’s government has set policies that are posing great challenges for foreign investors. China’s regulatory framework for cross-border remains a complex and incomplete patchwork of laws, regulations and policy decisions made by various ministries and government agencies. A lack of transparency, coupled with low standards of corporate transparency and disclosure, makes it difficult for potential investors to carry out due diligence to accepted international standards. Valuing the potential liabilities of a firm is especially difficult. At the same time, the Chinese government continues to close off so-called â€Å"strategic assets† to cross-border without specifying which sectors are defined as strategic, or why. To address these issues and remove other obstacles to cross-border deals, it is recommended for China to: †¢ Streamline the approval process for cross-border and make it more transparent; †¢ Put in place a sound competition framework; †¢ Further open its capital markets to foreign investors; †¢ Encourage its firms to increase corporate transparency and provide more up to date and accurate financial information to make it easier to value a potential acquisition, especially regarding a firm’s liabilities; Relax foreign ownership restrictions. In particular, revise existing catalogues that list the type of firms that can or cannot be acquired by foreign investors. The report also recommends that China pilot these recommendations in the North-East of the country before rolling them out nationwide. This region, China’s historical industrial heartland, has a high concentration of state-owned firms in need of restructuring and technological upgrading, as well as high unemployment and low productivity. Cross-border could help rejuvenate the region’s economy. Free Trade Policy Policy in which a government does not discriminate against imports or interfere with exports. A free-trade policy does not necessarily imply that the government abandons all control and taxation of imports and exports, but rather that it refrains from actions specifically designed to hinder international trade, such as tariff barriers, currency restrictions, and import quotas. The theoretical case for free trade is based on Adam Smiths argument that the division of labor among countries leads to specialization, greater efficiency, and higher aggregate production. The way to foster such a division of labor, Smith believed, is to allow nations to make and sell whatever products can compete successfully in an international market.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Heart of Darkness versus MacBeth Essay -- Joseph Conrad William Shakes

Heart of Darkness and MacBeth  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Joseph Conrad and William Shakespeare are not traditionally paired up for a critical analysis. However, the characters MacBeth and Kurtz in MacBeth and Heart of Darkness, respectively, prove to be worthy of comparison. MacBeth and Kurtz share many common characteristics: both have vaulting ambition that leads both to their success and their demise, a superiority complex, and both make similar sacrifices to achieve their goal. Despite their many similarities, MacBeth and Kurtz differ in many respects. The way the authors present each character varies greatly, and the way each interacts with his surroundings contrast a great deal. The circumstances that follow their actions also differ since the societies in which they live are not similar in any aspect. Through their many similarities and differences, MacBeth and Kurtz prove to be characters filled with evilness, and upon a closer examination, the differing degrees of that evilness are seen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both MacBeth and Kurtz’s initial actions are dominated by ambition. MacBeth chooses to overthrow King Duncan for the sole purpose of his own political gain. He even admits that he "[has] no spur/ To prick the sides of [his] intent, but only/ Vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself/ And falls on th’other" (Act I, sc. 7). Despite many other good reasons for overthrowing a king, such as for the good of the state or if the king is infringing on the people’s rights, MacBeth claims only selfish intentions. Like MacBeth, Kurtz, too, starts his road to evil with ambition. Kurtz, in order to earn his Intended’s hand, goes to Africa to make something of himself. Instead of going on a "heavenly mission to civilize"(Conrad, 70) the savages, Kurtz’s intentions, from the start, are to make money as quickly as possible. And he does. This "vaulting ambition" leads both met to climb the ladder of success at a quick pace. MacBeth is named "Thane of Cawdor" after one brave battle; Kurtz is given control of the Inner Station because of his success in bringing in ivory. Ambition, though traditionally looked at as a positive characteristic cause both men to perform evil deeds.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With ambition and success comes a feeling of superiority. Both MacBeth and Kurtz are portrayed as men who think themselves to be above God. MacBeth knows that the crime of killing a king goes a... ...compassed he has become by evil.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both MacBeth and Kurtz share the same qualities of ambition, superiority, and the sacrifice of their life because of the lives they have taken. These connections can be made because of the evil that is intertwined in both characters. The evil in them is brought forth through the evil deeds they commit. Where the two differ, though, is in their behavior after the murders have been committed. In MacBeth, an almost apologetic behavior is seen. His guilt, through the hallucinations, proves that he, at least subconsciously, is sorry for what he has done. In Kurtz, no sympathy or guilt is seen. Through this apathetic behavior, one must question whether Kurtz is really sound in mind. It is a natural human instinct to at least have some guilt after committing an offense against another human. The evil that is in both these characters ties them together, but their morals after the acts are committed sets them apart as MacBeth is seen as more of a human being; and Kurtz, mo re of an animal. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: NAL Penguin Inc., 1983. Shakespeare, William. MacBeth. New York: Washington Square Press, 1992.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Role of Material Culture in Contemporary Graphic Design

This survey explores the function of material civilization in humanistic disciplines and design category at colleges in Singapore. Normally, pupils in a modern-day in writing design category face many troubles peculiarly in synergistic creative activity of humanistic disciplines and design. Basically, this survey tends to place and analyse the advantages of utilizing material civilization in a modern-day in writing design category. Furthermore, this paper besides attempts to plan an effectual course of study that will fulfill the demands of utilizing material civilization in a modern-day in writing design category. Concurrently, in writing design schools today face ever-increasing demands in their efforts to vouch that pupils are good equipped to come in the work force and voyage a complex universe. Research indicates that material civilization can assist back up larning refering civilization and past histories, and that it is particularly utile in developing the higher-order accomplishments of critical thought, analysis, and scientific enquiry. But the mere presence of material civilization in the schoolroom does non guarantee their effectual usage when it comes in adding cogency and substance to graphic design survey. This survey explores the assorted ways material civilization can be used to better how and what pupil learn in the schoolroom peculiarly in originative design and humanistic disciplines. Furthermore, this paper pointed out the usage of material civilization as an effectual acquisition tool in analyzing past history and civilization is more likely to take topographic point when e mbedded in a broader instruction reform motion that includes betterments in instructor preparation, course of study, pupil appraisal, and a school ‘s capacity for alteration. In this survey, the research worker investigated several variables that may act upon the development and advancement of pupils in different modern-day in writing design categories at colleges of Singapore. These included perceptual experiences of job trouble, originative designing, value of art, and quality of work. The research worker believes that enabling the pupils to utilize material civilization aided by the process in in writing design will ensue in effectual acquisition and apprehension in originative design and provides quality design and art. This research will analyse and look into the function of material civilization and personal perceptual experience of the pupils in Singapore. This shall include a treatment on the positive and negative variables related to material civilization and modern-day in writing design, an analysis of public presentation of the pupils in school in relation to material civilization was besides conducted. Particularly, the research will concentrate on analyzing the function of material civilization in modern-day in writing design provided by the school instructors/administrators. Basically, the consequences of the survey will take the research worker to the development and invent an effectual course of study in humanistic disciplines and design with regard to material civilization in in writing design.Problem StatementThis research worker finds the necessity for a survey that specifically tackles the effects of material civilization in modern-day in writing design at Colleges in Singapore. Spec ifically, this survey intends to research the important impact of this stuff to the Colleges in Singapore that are related in modern-day in writing design. It will show the public presentation of the pupils by placing failings and inefficiencies and urging solutions. Basically, the job of this survey is about conventional methodological analysis in learning which used a dry lector is truly dull and takes a batch of clip to complete a modular or course of study of each subject depending on lector capablenesss, accomplishments, handiness, temper and pupil indulgent of what their idea. That is non effectual for pupils to acquire an effectual manner to larn, there is a demand to acquire a new and effectual attack since material civilization may now touch the cultural and historical value of a certain art or design. The intent of utilizing material civilization in a modern-day in writing design category is to develop a better acquisition than conventional method in colleges but through the early opposition, it emphasized their ability to appreciate art and larn it cultural and historical value execute the complex undertakings needed in modern-day in writing design. Through material civilization pupil can develop a bond and apprehension of one ‘s traditional civilizations that motivate ocular communicating pupils to make strong cultural individuality in writing design. Furthermore, this survey will seek to reply the undermentioned questions: Can apprehension of one ‘s traditional civilizations motivate ocular communicating pupils to make strong cultural individuality in writing design? Can material civilization attention deficit disorder cogency and substance to graphic design survey?AimThis survey seeks to understand to the full how pupils ‘ consciousness of their traditional civilizations might be the factor that motivate them to research and research their civilizations as a in writing design subject.HypothesissThis paper will work on the undermentioned hypothesis: Material civilization in in writing design category in colleges dramas important consequence to the pupils ‘ consciousness of their traditional civilizations. Material civilization in in writing design category in colleges has important consequence to the memory keeping of the pupils when it comes in analyzing traditional civilization. Since it is exciting, disputing and merriment to utilize, so it encourages pupils to analyze the material civilization once more and once more. Material civilization has important consequence to the larning betterment of the pupils since it attaches to one ‘s traditional civilization.Definition of Key FootingsGraphic Design- Graphic Design is the procedure and art of uniting text and artworks and pass oning an effectual message in the design of Son, artworks, booklets, newssheets, postings, marks, and any other type of ocular communicating ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) . Material Culture- Material Culture is a term frequently used by archeologists as a non-specific manner to mention to the artefacts or other concrete things left by past civilizations. An archaeologist therefore can be described as a individual who surveies the material civilization of a past society ( ) . Art- Art is the procedure or merchandise of intentionally set uping elements in a manner to impact the senses or emotions. It encompasses a diverse scope of human activities, creative activities, and manners of look, including music, literature, movie, sculpture, and pictures ( ) . Education- Education encompasses the instruction of specific accomplishments, and besides something less touchable but more profound: the conveyance of cognition, good judgement and wisdom. One of the cardinal ends of instruction is to leave civilization across the coevalss socialisation. ( ) Knowledge- Knowledge includes, but is non limited to, those descriptions, hypotheses, constructs, theories, rules and processs which to a sensible grade of certainty are either true or utile. ( ) School-A school is a type of educational establishment. The scope of establishments covered by the term varies from state to state. ( )Reappraisal of LiteratureWorld history has witnessed the birth, development, and accomplishments of the most gifted people. These people have their distinguishable gifts and country of command – literature, political relations, humanistic disciplines, scientific discipline, and so forth. Still, much of their success can be traced back to the sort of life and personality they had. Childhood experiences, support from people around them, environmental influences and personal motives frequently determine how a talented individual makes usage of his innate abilities to go an of import figure in his chosen field of expertness. The universe of humanistic disciplines is one of the most interesting subjects of survey. This field normally includes some of the most curious people who can show their personalities through alone pictures, sculptures, and drawings. Art instruction is culturally identified as a capable country that enables pupils to utilize their imaginativeness and creativeness to bring forth pieces of graphics from a broad assortment of stuffs. This designation may besides include the survey of celebrated creative persons and their well-known graphics ( Oliver, 2010 ) . On the other manus, the cultural individuality is constructed through assorted marks and symbols that the civilization property to art instruction. Symbols include art devising stuffs ( The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts, 1999 ) . These stuffs that are attached to one ‘s civilization were known as â€Å" material civilization † . Material civilizations are going known to the instructors in modern-day in writing design because of its motivational consequence to their pupils in analyzing civilization and art. In in writing design category, art symbol with regard to stuffs are important. An illustration of art instruction symbols are the assortment of medias- both two and three dimensional that are used to exemplify capable affair. In add-on to more practical symbols of art instruction are the human-centered symbols which may include linking with creative persons and their work, both modern-day and historical ( The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts, 1999 ) . The art and trades around communities, in shops and on postings will ever be a symbol of a contemplation of art instruction ( The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts, 1999 ) . Another aspect of making a cultural individuality is to reflect on the cultural rites that are frequently associated with art instruction. The most evident rites include the assorted procedures that are employed to do art. It is of import to retrieve that such rituals/processes are influenced by the geographical location of the school territory ( Oliver, 2010 ) . Another cultural rite attributed to art instruction is the physical presentation that the art instructor must supply for pupils in order to learn them specific techniques. This presentation frequently includes safety safeguards as rites that the pupils will so purely employ to make art without aching themselves with the tools in the devising ( Oliver, 2010 ) . Other ritual distinctive to art instruction is the pattern of reviewing pupils ‘ art work, frequently done by the whole category in order to supply constructive feedback and unfavorable judgment of the finished piece of art. One concluding rite that should be imperative to an art instruction plan is category field trips to museums, galleries, and creative persons ‘ studios that connect the acquisition of art in the school to really sing art in the community ( The Culture of Education in the Visual Arts, 1999 ) . It is of import to link these cultural rites and symbols of art instruction to non merely demo how they produce a cultural individuality, but besides organize a sense of societal solidarity among pupils, instructors, and communities ( Oliver, 2010 ) . The ocular humanistic disciplines or the in writing designs are humanistic disciplines that we see. It has its ain language-the linguistic communication of feelings, emotions and thoughts without words. We could detect the universe outside and inside us through ocular humanistic disciplines. The ocular creative person through mute can pass on with us when he creates ocular work of humanistic disciplines like painting. Paintings and plants of art in general are meant to travel us, particularly in ways that words frequently ca n't. Graphic designs inspired by stuff civilization play a major function non merely in academic intents but besides in wellness and Medicare related facet and in the community every bit good. It develops the intelligence and the overall personality of the pupils. Furthermore, in writing designs inspired by stuff civilization besides provide meaningful self-expression of all pupils. It is used in therapy processs for helping kid development. It assists in educating handicapped kids, particularly those who are unsighted and have hearing jobs. And eventually, ocular humanistic disciplines besides help in edifice communities and mural undertakings. In analyzing in writing designs inspired by material civilization, it shows that ocular humanistic disciplines and cultural individuality are related. The cultural individuality is constructed through assorted marks and symbols that the civilization property to art instruction.MethodologyThis subdivision of the research proposal discusses the meth ods to be used. This illustrates the method of research that identifies its pertinence. Likewise, the subdivision illustrates how the research was to be implemented and how to come up with relevant findings. Furthermore, this methodological analysis portion of the research underwent into several phases. In the research design, the research worker collected informations from pupils and instructors in some Colleges in Singapore that are utilizing material civilization in their in writing design category. At the clip of informations aggregation, the research worker gathered and amount upped the informations acquired from these resources. Study Puting In conformity to the end of this survey i.e. to look into the function of material civilization in modern-day in writing design, the research worker decided to carry on the probe in 10 Colleges in Singapore. Basically, in these 10 chosen schools in Singapore, a random sample of 10 pupils each will be chosen. The pupils to be included should be familiar to graphic design and material civilization. Research Design By and large talking, there are two research places, frequently call paradigms, which research workers can take from. The first is the quantitative paradigm in which research worker efforts to understand causal relationship of bing phenomena or efforts to spot the cogency of the theory in a peculiar societal context ( Creswell, 1994 ) . And since one of the intents of this survey determine the function of material civilization in modern-day in writing design, the quantitative research place is taken here because it is appropriate for the research intent. Aside from this, the 2nd attack, called the qualitative paradigm, is non chosen. Actually, as indicated in the paper of Daymon & A ; Holloway ( 2002 ) , the qualitative design the research worker assumes this place and efforts to understand a peculiar societal phenomenon by utilizing the histrions ‘ frame of mention. In add-on, informations are presented non in numerical signifier but in existent words which is in contrast to the purpose of this research. There are few research schemes that frequently used for carry oning research such as study, instance survey, action research, Ethnography etc. Harmonizing to Yin ( 2003 ) , there are three conditions to be considered for taking an appropriate research scheme i.e. : The type of research inquiry The extent of control an research worker has over existent behavioral events. The grade of focal point on modern-day as opposed to historical events From the paper of Saunders, et Al. ( 2007 ) , study attack frequently uses questionnaires to roll up a big sum of informations from a ample population in a extremely economical manner. Therefore, the study attack is normally able to use a more representative sample among a monolithic population for the survey, seeking to accomplish generalisibility of the consequences. The instance survey, nevertheless, harmonizing to Denscombe ( 1998 ) , is an probe that focuses on elaborate, in-depth descriptions and analysis of one or a few administrations. This attack is usually use to research the phenomenon by in-depth informations gained in the research context. This implies that the research consequences gained by instance survey can non be generalized to a larger population due to that the probe scope is limited. By sing this restriction of instance survey attack, the research worker opted to take the study method. Population and Sampling Plan The sample size consists of pupils, who are the logical key source related closely to the issue under probe, every bit good as the instructors totaling to 10 topics. There is no ground to believe that 10 instructors is non a big adequate sample size because ultimately it is this person who works straight with the issue and instructors has the most intimate cognition of the topic. Basically, the study respondents are asked sing their perceptual experience towards material civilization and in writing designing and pupil ‘s public presentation. In kernel, Guilford & A ; Fruchter ( 1973 ) argued that in taking sample sizes, the Slovin ‘s expression should be considered. Therefore, in choosing the sample size ( 100 pupils ) in this paper was identified by Slovin ‘s expression. The Slovin ( 1960 ) expression is given as: Where: e= needed mistake border ( percent demand for non-precision due to the usage of the sample as an option of the population ) . N= size of population n = size of sample Data Collection Procedures Yin ( 2004 ) provides six different beginnings of informations aggregation that is normally used in instance survey methodological analysis, which include certification, archival records, interviews, direct observation, participant observation and physical artefacts. The information aggregation method uses study and interview that is to take topographic point with the pupils and instructors, as these are the closest people working with the topic under examination here – Material civilization – and should function as the key source. In add-on, pupils are besides surveyed to understand how they feel about the usage of material civilization in their in writing design category since the instructor may supply colored information, nevertheless accessing the pupils is capable to the permission of the instructor who acts as the gatekeeper. If appraising the pupils is possible the study that pupils will make full out will be left on the instructors ‘ desk where they can make full it out and return it to a bead box in a closed envelope without a name or other placing information. The inquiries for the employees are created after a thorough reappraisal of literature. For certification that refers to secondary information about the material civilization and in writing designing, such considerations have been taken to cut down concerns as they would otherwise refer to bias or the dependability and cogency of the findings. Trusting on certification are used even if the pupils do take part since it strengthens the findings further ( Yin, 2003 ) . Documentation specifically includes public presentation studies and records, or books and journal articles discoursing material civilization and in writing design. Accessing of the instructor is traveling to take topographic point by first, directing the school an lineation of the survey and ethical content signifiers and arrange meeting, through the telephone or MSN given geographical restraints, to explicate what it is the research wishes to make and how it will profit the organisation. Ultimately, what the research worker wants to make is spot how preparation is able to increase pupils ‘ public presentation and the mechanisms that school in Singapore has in topographic point to guarantee this. Executing the above measure is utile since the gatekeepers are traveling to desire to protect the involvements of their pupils and the organisation ( Holloway & A ; Walker, 1999 ) . Overall, the attack above is based on dialogue, which as research workers note, â€Å" Access is negotiated and re-negotiated throughout the research procedure † ( Gubrium, & A ; Holstein, 2001, p. 301 ) . The instructor was besides assured that confidentiality – by non let go ofing information that they do non desire to be released — and namelessness – by utilizing anonym for pupils, participants and scenes — will be secured ( Daymon & A ; Holloway, 2002 ) . It is non unreasonable for the instructor to take part in the survey given the stairss executed above which are suggested by research methodological analysis practicians. Finally, research inquiries are based from the literature as is suggested by research methodological analysis practicians. Datas Analysis To find the perceptual experiences of the pupil respondents refering to material civilization and in writing design, the research worker a set of guide inquiries for the interview and prepared a questionnaire. A non-threatening questionnaire in nature that can be completed within 30 proceedingss are considered. The respondents graded each statement in the survey-questionnaire utilizing a Likert graduated table with a five-response graduated table wherein respondents are given five response picks. The tantamount weights for the replies are: When the full information consumer responses have been collected, the research worker used statistics to analyze it ; and was assisted by the SPSS in coming up with the statistical analysis for this survey. For the inside informations gathered from diaries, an rating was drawn in order to place the function of material civilization to modern-day in writing design. Furthermore, this research will use the several statistics in order to find the differences between their perceptual experiences towards the impact of material civilization on pupil ‘s public presentation and art grasp. As stated above, the research worker was aided by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences ( SPSS ) in the devising and creative activity of the statistical analysis for this survey. SPSS is one of the mainly and extensively accessible and powerful statistical package bundles that has a extended scope of statistical patterns, which permits a research worker to sum up information ( e.g. cipher standard divergences and agencies ) , identify whether there are major differences between groups ( e.g. , ANOVA & A ; t-tests ) , observe relationships among variables ( e.g. multiple arrested development & A ; correlativity ) and graph end product ( e.g. line graphs, saloon charts, pie chart, etc. ) ( Sauders, Lewis & A ; Thornhill 2007 ) .Reasoning RemarksSignificance This survey will be a important enterprise in advancing civilization consciousness among in writing design pupils. This survey will be good to future leaders. By understanding the demands of the pupils and the benefits of quality instruction, these practicians will be assured of a larger advancement public presentation. Furthermore, this research will supply recommendations on how to value pupils as they are taking a big portion in the overall public presentation of the school quality instruction. This survey would besides be of aid to those school and market scientists who are interested in happening out the societal deductions of the roar and the flop stages of the school industry. Furthermore, pedagogues can derive from this survey, as they find the connexion between how they have designed their course of study and what are the existent demands of the citizens. In that manner, they would be able to do immediate alterations, if necessary, or continued betterment of their plans, through farther surveies. Furthermore, it is hoped that this survey would assist the pupils to better acquisition and grasp accomplishment through Material civilization in Art and Design at colleges in Singapore because Material civilization has many advantages/effectiveness such as keeping and motivational factors in conformity to the tilting behaviour of pupil. Therefore, pupil can travel profoundly into each subject countries they need to larn without lector engagement because material civilization is related to the history of the humanistic disciplines they are comprehending. Furthermore, this paper introduced of import alterations in our educational system and gives a immense influence to the manner we communicate information with pupils. It would do them as an active participant in their ain acquisition procedure, alternatively of merely being inactive scholars of the educational content. Apparently, this research besides hoped can provides an chance to derive a greater apprehension of the factors that impact on the pupils ‘ experiences of material civilization in larning procedure. Finally, this survey would profit future research workers in the field of the, instruction, humanistic disciplines and design direction, concern and the societal scientific disciplines since it depicts the hereafter of the school industry and its varying effects to many sectors of society. Restrictions This survey will merely cover material civilization as portion of analyzing modern-day in writing design in humanistic disciplines and design for the college pupils in some colleges in Singapore. Basically, this paper will merely cover pupils selected from semester 1, conducted from some colleges in Singapore. As there are legion issues environing the school, this research will chiefly analyze plan development and public presentation advancement. The result of this survey will be limited merely to the informations gathered from books and diaries and from the primary informations gathered from the consequence of the questionnaire study and interview that will be conducted by the research worker. As the research was completed in a comparatively short period of clip other factors and variables are non considered. This might hold an impact on the consequences of the survey. Basically this research survey will enable the research worker to plan a quality course of study that will fulfill the demands of the pupils.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Carbohydrates Lab Report Essay

Introduction Carbohydrates are essential in foods as an energy source (starch is the main source of human calories), a flavouring (simple sugars are usually sweet) and as a functional ingredient (sucrose allows ice cream to be soft in the freezer; xanthan gum thickens a low-fat salad dressing). Carbohydrates are a type of macronutrient found in many foods and beverages. Most carbohydrates are naturally occurring in plant-based foods, such as grains. Food manufacturers also add carbohydrates to processed foods in the form of starch or added sugar. As with all our approaches to food ingredients/constituents we will first examine the structure of carbohydrates and then try to elucidate how their structures allow them to function as they do. As their name suggests, carbohydrates basically made up from sugar and water, i.e. Cx(H2O)y, although this ratio is often not strictly true and occasionally other atoms may be present. The carbons are arranges in a chain (most often 5-6 atoms) functionalized with alcohol groups. The terminal carbon either carries either an aldehyde or a ketone functional group. Carbohydrates are classified based on size of base carbon  chain, number of sugar units, location of C=O and stereochemistry. Classifications of carbohydrate are monosaccharides, disaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides. Monosaccharide is the smallest possible sugar unit. Examples include glucose, galactose or fructose. When we talk about blood sugar we are referring to glucose in the blood; glucose is a major source of energy for a cell. In human nutrition, galactose can be found most readily in milk and dairy products, while fructose is found mostly in vegetables and fruit. When monosaccharides merge together in linked groups they are known as polysaccharides. Disaccharide is two monosaccharide molecules bonded together. Polysaccharides are polymers. A simple compound is a monomer, while a complex compound is a polymer which is made of two or more monomers. Disaccharides are polysaccharides – â€Å"poly†¦Ã¢â‚¬  specifies any number higher than one, while â€Å"di†¦Ã¢â‚¬  specifies exactly two. Examples of disaccharides include lactose, maltose, and sucrose. If you bond one glucose molecule with a fructose molecule you get a sucrose molecule. Sucrose is found in table sugar, and is often formed as a result of photosynthesis (sunlight absorbed by chlorophyll reacting with other compounds in plants). If you bond one glucose molecule with a galactose molecule you get lactose, which is commonly found in milk. Starch, glycogen, dextran and cellulose are polysaccharides. Polysaccharides differ not only in the natural of their component monosaccharides but also in the length of their chains and in the amount of chain branching that occurs. Polysaccharides function as storage materials, structural components, or protective substances. Thus, starch ( which exists in two forms: amylose and amylopectin ), glycogen and other storage polysaccharides, as readily metabolizable food, provide energy reserves for cells. Chitin and cellulose provide strong support for the skeletons of arthropods and green plants, respectively. In this experiment those activity that had been carried out means to determine the carbohydrate class of an unknown by carrying out a series of chemical reactions with the unknown and known compounds in each class of carbohydrate such as the Molisch test (general CHO), Barfoed’s test (monosaccharides), Fehling’s test (reducing sugars), Benedict’s test (reducing sugars) and Iodine test (amylose). ACTIVITY 3.1, MOLISCH TEST: A GENERAL TEST FOR CARBOHYDRATES OBJECTIVE: To test the carbohydrate solution MATERIALS: 1 % of carbohydrate solutions( lactose, glucose, starch, sucrose, cellulose, fructose, apple and cabbage ), distilled water(as control tube), concentrated sulphuric acid, Molisch reagent. APPARATUS: Test tubes, test tube holder, dropper, 5ml pipette, glass rod, test tube rack, fume cupboard CAUTION: Molish reagent contains concentrated sulfuric acid , which is toxic and corrosive. It can cause severe burns. Prevent eye, skin clothing, and combustible material contact. Avoid ingesting the substance.If you spill any reagent or acid, immediately notify your laboratory instructor. NOTE: Do not place your thumb over the open end of a test tube when mixing its contents. Your laboratory instructor will suggest ways in which you can safely and thoroughly mix the contents of a test tube. PROCEDURES: 1. 2 ml of each of the 1% carbohydrate solutions that have been prepared is added into one set of labelled test tubes. 2. 2 drops of Molisch reagent are added to each test tube and is mixed well with a clean glass stirring rod. 3. The test tube is inclined. Then 3ml of concentrated sulphuric acid is added slowly and carefully down the side of the tube to form a layer below the sugar solution.( This step is performed inside the fume cupboard ). 4. The resulting solution did not been shook or mixed. 5. The change of the solution is observed and recorded. ( A purple ring at the interface is indicative of a carbohydrate ). 6. The test solutions containing Molisch reagent is discarded into the container provided by laboratory instructor. RESULT: DISCUSSION: Carbohydrates undergo dehydration reactions (loss of water) in the presence of concentrated sulfuric acid. Pentoses and hexoses form five member oxygen  containing rings on dehydration. The five member ring, known as furfural, further reacts with Molisch reagent to form colored compounds. Pentoses are then dehydrated to furfural, while hexoses are dehydrated to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. Either of these aldehydes, if present, will condense with two molecules of naphthol to form a purple-colored product. A positive reaction is indicated by appearance of a purple ring at the interface between the acid and test layers. Monosaccharides give a rapid positive test. Glucose and fructose are monosaccharide. Disaccharides and polysaccharides react more slowly than monosaccharide. Sucrose and lactose are disaccharide which also gave purple color ring. Starch and cellulose gave slightly purple color because they are polysaccharides. Distilled water gave negative test because it is not carbohydrate. A large apple has around 28-31 grams of carbohydrate. Apple and cabbage contain carbohydrate so that they gave purple ring in this test. CONCLUSION: Glucose, lactose, fructose, sucrose, starch and cellulose all are carbohydrates which give positive test for Molisch test. A sample of distilled water is prepared and tested as the controlling sample. ACTIVITY 3.2, BARFOED’S TEST:A GENERAL TEST TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN MONOSACCHARIDE AND DISACCHARIDES OBJECTIVE: To distinguish the given carbohydrate solutions as monosaccharides or disaccharides. MATERIALS: 1 % of carbohydrate solutions( lactose, glucose, starch, sucrose, cellulose, fructose), distilled water (as control tube), Barfoed’s reagent APPARATUS: Test tubes, test tube holder, 5 ml pipette, pipette filler, stop watch, water bath CAUTION : Barfoed’s reagent is corrosive and an irritant. If you spill any of the solution on yourself or on the bench, immediately notify your laboratory instructor. PROCEDURES 1. 5 ml of each of the carbohydrate solutions is added into one set of the  labelled test tubes. 2. 5 ml of Barfoed’s reagent is added to each test.  3. The contents of each tube are shook well. All the tubes are placed in an actively boiling water bath at the same time. 4. After the water starts boiling again, the solutions is heated for 3.5 min. ( Timing is important since a false positive test can be obtained for monosaccharides with disaccharide, if the disaccharides are heated for more than 3.5 min thereby breaking down ( hydrolyzing ) to monosaccharides ). 5. During this period, the tubes are observed closely and any change of clarity of the solutions is noted. ( A positive test for monosaccharides is the appearance of a red precipitate of Cu?O within 1 or 2 minutes, if no precipitate forms it indicates the presence of a disaccharide). RESULT: 1% CARBOHYDRATE SOLUTION FORMATION OF RED PRECIPITATE Fructose Yes Glucose Yes Cellulose No Lactose No Sucrose No Starch No Distilled water(as control tube) No DISCUSSION: Barfoed’s test distinguishes monosaccharides from disaccharides. Positive test for monosaccharides is the appearance of red precipitate (Cu2O) within 1-2 minutes. If no precipitate formed, indicates the presence of disaccharide. The red precipitate come from the reaction between the  reduction of copper (II) acetate to copper(I) oxide (Cu2O). RCHO + 2Cu2+ + 2H2O > RCOOH + Cu2Ov + 4H+ The aldehyde group of the monosaccharide which normally forms a cyclic hemiacetal is oxidized to the carboxylate. Glucose and fructose which are monosaccharides show positive result in this test. Reducing disaccharides undergo the same reaction, but do so at a slower rate. So, the timing to heat the sample is set to 3.5 minutes. However, the samples are heated no more than 3.5 minutes to prevent the disaccharide breaking down to monosaccharide. Lactose, sucrose, cellulose, starch and distilled water showed negative result in this test. CONCLUSION: Only monosaccharide will give an immediate red precipitate in Barfoed’s test that is glucose and fructose the other remaining solutions which are cellulose, lactose, sucrose, starch and distilled water do not show any changes. ACTIVITY 3.3 FEHLING TEST: FOR REDUCING OBJECTIVE: To distinguish the reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars MATERIALS: 1% of carbohydrate solutions ( glucose, fructose, cellulose, lactose, sucrose, starch ), distilled water(as control tube), Fehling solution A ( 69.28 grams copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate dissolved in 1 litre of distilled water), Fehling solution B ( 346 grams Rochelle salt ( potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate) and 120 grams sodium hydroxide in 1 litre of distilled water) APPARATUS: 5 ml pipette, test tubes, test tube holder, test tube rack, pipette filler, stop watch PROCEDURES: 1. 5 ml of carbohydrate solutions is added into one set of test tubes. 2. By using different glass pipettes, 5 ml of Fehling A and 5 ml of Fehling B are added into each test tubes. 3. The solution is heated in a boiling water bath for 5-10 minutes. 4. Red brick precipitate is formed for positive results. 5. Changes in test tubes are recorded. RESULT: Samples Result Lactose Positive-red brick precipitate Glucose Positive-red brick precipitate Fructose Positive-red brick precipitate Starch Negative-no changes Distilled water Negative-no changes Cellulose Negative-no changes Sucrose Negative-no changes DISCUSSION: Fehling’s solution is used to test for the presence of a reducing sugar. Fehling’s solution was based on the aldehyde or ketone groups in the sugar structures. A sugar is classified as a reducing sugar only if it has an open-chain form with an aldehyde group or a free hemiacetal group. the presence of aldehydes but not ketones is detected by reduction of the deep blue solution of copper(II) to a red precipitate of insoluble copper oxide. Fructose, glucose and lactose show positive result in this test. All monosaccharides are reducing sugars. Many disaccharides, like lactose, also have a reducing form, as one of the two units may have an open-chain form with an aldehyde group. However, sucrose, in which the anomeric carbons of the two units are linked together, are non-reducing disaccharides since neither of the rings is capable of opening. Polysaccharides (sugars with multiple chemical rings) are non-reducing sugars. Polysaccharides have closed structures, which use free atoms to bond together their multiple rings, and take a much longer time to be broken down. So, starch and cellulose which are polysaccharides have negative result in Fehling’s test. Distilled water is not reducing sugar also shows negative result. CONCLUSION: Fehling test is the common test which is used to determine the presence of reducing sugar. Fructose, lactose and glucose are reducing sugars which give brick red precipitate after the solutions are heated. ACTIVITY 3.4 BENEDICT’S TEST: FOR REDUCING OBJECTIVE: To test for reducing sugars MATERIALS: 1% of carbohydrate solutions ( glucose, fructose, cellulose, lactose, sucrose, starch ), 3M hydrochloric acid (HCl), Benedict’s reagent, distilled water APPARATUS: Test tubes, test tube holder, test tube rack, 5 ml pipette, pipette filler, dropper, stop watch, water bath PROCEDURES 1. 5 ml of Benedict’s reagent and 2 ml of carbohydrate are added to a test tube and each tube is shook thoroughly. 2. All the tubes are placed in a boiling water bath at the same time. The solutions are heated for 5-6 min. 3. Any changes in color, in the transparencies and in the formation and color of any precipitate are observed and recorded. 4. Later, 4 drops of 3M HCl are added to 5 ml of 1 % sucrose solution and is heated in the boiling water bath for 5 min. 5. 1 % starch solution is treated in the same way but the heating period was extended to 25-30 min. 6. 1-2 ml of each of solution is applied with Benedict’s test in the same manner as before. 7. The results are compared with those obtained without acid treatment. RESULT: Sugar solution Result of colour of the solution Starch Light blue Lactose Brick red precipitate are formed Fructose Brick red precipitate are formed Sucrose Light blue Cellulose Light blue + white precipitate Glucose Brick red precipitate are formed Distilled water Light blue Sucrose + HCI Brick red precipitate are formed Starch + HCI Light DISCUSSION: The Benedict’s test is used to detect the presence of reducing sugars (sugars with a free aldehyde or ketone group) such as glucose, fructose and lactose. All monosaccharides are reducing sugars; they all have a free reactive carbonyl group. Some disaccharides have exposed carbonyl groups and are also reducing sugars. Lactose which is disaccharides also called reducing sugar as it has the exposed carbonyl groups. Other disaccharides such as sucrose and starch are non-reducing sugars and will not react with Benedict’s solution. Benedict’s reagent is a mild oxidant with CuSO4, Cu (II) sulfate, as one of the reagents. In the presence of a reducing sugar, the blue solution of Cu (II) or Cu+2, is changed to a brick red/brown precipitate of Copper (I) or Cu+1 oxide,Cu2O. If there a small or large amount of the reducing sugar present, the color would range from green to brick red respectively. RCHO + 2Cu2+ + 4OH- > RCOOH + Cu2O + 2H2O Sucrose indirectly produces a posit ive result with Benedict’s reagent if heated with dilute hydrochloric acid prior to the test, although after this treatment it is no longer sucrose. The addition of  HCl hydrolysed the non-reducing sugar, as it split it up into its component monomers. The monomers are reducing sugars which gave the positive result on the second reducing sugar test. The acidic conditions and heat break the glycosidic bond in sucrose through hydrolysis. The products of sucrose decomposition are glucose and fructose, both of which can be detected by Benedict’s reagent, as described above. This same goes for starch. But since starch has larger component compare to sucrose so it took a longer time to hydrolyse. That the purpose of heat it in longer time compare to sucrose. Without the addition of acid to sucrose solution, starch solution, the test given is negative. The solutions remain clear blue after the addition of Benedict’s reagent and heating. Tap water is used only to show the example of negative result of Benedict’s test. Thus it will not show any changes compare to the carbohydrates. CONCLUSION: Benedict’s test is the common test which is used to determine the existence of reducing sugar. Fructose, lactose, and glucose are reducing sugars which give positive test. Starch and sucrose are non reducing sugars which give positive results after adding hydrochloric acid. ACTIVITY 3.6, IODINE TEST: FOR POLYSACCHARIDES OBJECTIVE: To test for polysaccharides MATERIALS: 0.01M iodine, 0.12M KI , 1% carbohydrate solutions (cellulose and starch) , distilled water APPARATUS: Test tubes, test tube rack , dropper. PROCEDURE: 1. Few drop of 0.01M iodine in 0.12M KI added to 1% starch and cellulose solutions. 2. Any changes to the colour are observed. RESULT: 1% CARBOHYDRATE SOLUTION COLOUR OBSERVED Starch Vivid blue Cellulose Yellowish brown DISCUSSION: Starch gives positive result in Iodine test as the color of solution change from yellow to dark blue. The immediate formation of a vivid blue color indicates amylose. Vivid blue coloration forms due to the polyiodide complex formed. Cellulose is derived from D-glucose units, which condensed through beta(1->4)-glycosidic bond. This give cellulose to be a straight polymer therefore, it can’t coil around iodine to produce blue colour as starch does. Only starch gives the color of vivid blue, this is because it contains amylase. The iodine molecules slip inside of the amylase coil. The amylose, or straight chain portion of starch, forms helices where iodine molecules assemble, forming a dark blue color. CONCLUSION: The Iodine test is used to test for the presence of starch. Starch is a type of polysaccharide carbohydrate which is made up of amylose and amylopectin. It is one of the main sources of carbohydrate and present naturally in plant. Amylose in starch form dark blue complex with iodine. ACTIVITY 2.2 SOLUBILITY AND DIGESTIBILITY TEST SOLUBILITY TEST OBJECTIVE: To test the solubility in hot water and digestion by amylase. MATERIALS: 5g of starch, 5g of cellulose, distilled water APPARATUS: Test tubes, test tube holder, glass rod, test tube rack, fume cupboard, 2 centrifuge tubes, analytical balance, cylinder, graduated pipette, pipette filler, 2 evaporator dishes. PROCEDURE: 1 5 g of starch is measured and put into a centrifuge tube;  2 40 ml of distilled of water is measured and poured into the same centrifuge  tube; 3 Step 1 to 2 is repeated by replacing the starch with cellulose; 4 Both of the tubes are heated: the tube containing starch is heated for about 2-3 minutes whereas the tube containing cellulose is heated for about 10 minutes; 5 After heating, both of the content of the tubes are allowed to cool down slightly; 6 The tubes are put into a centrifuge with 3500 rpm for 10 minutes; 7 Empty weight for both of the evaporator dishes is measured; 8 5 mL of the supernatant from both of the tubes is pipetted and poured into two separate evaporator dishes; 9 The evaporator dishes are left in the oven overnight 10 The weight of the evaporator dishes is measured again. 11 The solubility results are recorded and tabulated. RESULT: Solubility (%) = Weight of dried supernatant (g) Weight of the dried carbohydrates (g) For starch, solubility (%) = 0.0093g 50.0023g = 0.01860 % For cellulose, solubility (%) = 0.0010g 50.0027g = 0.002000 % Carbohydrates Weight of dry carbohydrates (gram) Weight of dried supernatant (gram) Solubility (%) Starch 50.0023g 24.8768g- 24.8675g= 0.0093g 0.01860 Cellulose 50.0027g 21.2150g- 21.2140g= 0.0010g 0.002000 DISCUSSION: In this activity, the solubility is defined as the percentage ratio of the weight of dried supernatant to the weight of the dry starch. Solubility can be interpreted as the amount of the dissolved compound that is present in the test solution. From the calculations done, we can see that starch, with a percentage of solubility at 0.01860 %, whereas cellulose have 0.002000 %. Starch and cellulose are two very similar polymers. In fact, they are both made from the same monomer, glucose, and have the same glucose-based repeat units. Since the sugar molecules contain the hydroxyl group or –OH, Thus it can form hydrogen bonds with water molecules, which makes it soluble in water, but only to a limited extent. However, the glucose units in starch are connected by alpha linkages while the glucose units in cellulose are connected by beta linkages. In starch, all the glucose repeat units are oriented in the same direction. But in cellulose, each succesive glucose unit is rotated 180 degrees around the axis of the polymer backbone chain, relative to the last repeat unit. Although cellulose contains hydroxyl groups too, but most of them are hydrogen-bonded to each other when the microfibrils stack together, which accounts for the strength of cellulose fibers. There’s less free hydroxyl groups that can hydrogen bond with water molecules, other than those hydroxyl groups that’s present at the end of each cellulose chain, which causes the cellulose to be less soluble in water when compared to starch. CONCLUSION: Although both starch and cellulose are complex carbohydrates, which have large molecular weight size, significantly reducing their affinity for water, but the hydroxyl groups that exist in the monomers itself actually contributes to their insignificant solubility. However, the solubility will increase when these complex carbohydrates are broken down into its monomers where the hydroxyl groups can form hydrogen bonds with other water molecules easily due to the reduced molecular weight and size that affects the affinity for water. DIGESTIBILITY TEST OBJECTIVE: To determine the digestibility of complex carbohydrates MATERIALS: Starch powder, cellulose powder, enzyme amylase, benedict’s solution, distilled water APPARATUS: 2 centrifuge tubes, measuring cylinder, analytical balance, pipette fillers, graduated pipettes, 2 droppers, 5 test tubes. PROCEDURE: 1 5 g of starch is measured and put into a centrifuge tube;  2 40 ml of distilled of water is measured and poured into the same centrifuge tube; 3 Step 1 to 2 is repeated by replacing the starch with cellulose; 4 Both of the tubes are heated: the tube containing starch is heated for about 2-3 minutes whereas the tube containing cellulose is heated for about 10 minutes; 5 After heating, both of the tubes are allowed to cool down slightly; 6 5 mL of starch is pipetted into a test tube;  7 Step 6 is repeated using a different test tube but a drop of amylase is dropped into it; 8 5 mL of cellulose is pipetted into a test tube; 9  Step 8 is repeated using a different test tube but a drop of amylase is dropped into it; 10 5 mL of distilled water is pipetted into the last test tube, and a drop of amylase is dropped into it; 11 20 drops of benedict’s solution is dropped into five of the test tubes; 12 Any changes occurred is recorded and tabulated. Result Samples Colours of the solutions Benedict’ s test 5 g of starch blue Negative 5 g of starch with amylase Brick red precipitate is formed Positive 5 g of cellulose blue Negative 5 g of cellulose with amylase blue Negative Distilled water with amylase Blue Negative DISCUSSION: Amylase is one of the many members of a class of enzyme, hydrolases, that catalyze the hydrolysis of starch into smaller carbohydrate molecules such as maltose (a molecule composed of two glucose molecules). Two categories of amylases, denoted alpha and beta, differ in the way they attack the bonds of the starch molecules. Alpha-amylase is widespread among living organisms. In the digestive systems of humans and many other mammals, an alpha-amylase called ptyalin is produced by the salivary glands, whereas pancreatic amylase is secreted by the pancreas into the small intestine. In the experiment, the test tube that contains only distilled water served as a control for this experiment. As for the test tubes that contain starch and cellulose without the amylase, they give a negative result for Benedict’s test, because for starch and cellulose, since both of them are complex carbohydrates, thus they have very few carbonyl groups which contribute to the compound’s reducing properties. Starch is a non-reducing sugar which shows negative result in the Benedict’s test. As for the test tube that contains starch and cellulose with the addition of a drop of enzyme, amylase, the test tube with starch gives a positive result, but not the test tube with cellulose. As we all know, enzyme amylase can only catalyzes the breakdown of starch into simpler sugars, but not cellulose. Cellulose only digested by cellulase enzyme. It is impossible for human digestive enzymes to break the glycosidic bond. Therefore, only the test tube containing starch treated with amylase gives a positive result for the Benedict’s test. CONCLUSION: Enzyme is a highly specific catalyst which can only converts a specific set of reactants into specific products. Amylase only hydrolyze the starch but not cellulose. From here, we can say that the human digestive system would not be able to digest the cellulose, because our digestive system only contains amylase, and not cellulose. Therefore in the perspective of a  human, we can conclude that the digestibility of starch is higher than cellulose, provided that the enzyme amylase is present.